3 Top Tips on How to Discover Your Passions By Joergette Medel
What a blessing to highlight another one of our amazing ARISE Business Network Ninja's on my blog!
In the next coming months, I have the pleasure to feature our ARISE Business Network Ninja's on my blog! I'm super excited about this as I know each of our ARISE team members have sooooo much to offer and are doing incredibly well in the biz! They are full of great insights and I know we can learn so much from their experience as solopreneurs. But first off, what is ARISE Business Network and who are the Ninja's? In a nutshell, ARISE Business Network is a community that a good friend of mine Gez Perez and I have co-founded together.
The community aims to bring like minded people together to connect, collaborate, grow and thrive together. You can check out more about us by clicking on the highlighted links above! We have a powerful team and support group behind us who we call NINJAS and we're so grateful for them in helping us run our monthly in person meet ups and share and really get behind the vision of our community. I'm so proud of each and everyone of our team and so i've decided to do an interview style blog so that you and I can get to know more about these amazing individuals who are so generous in serving their community!
This week I want to introduce to you to Joergette Medel. Joergette is a Passion Coach and Soul Igniter. Learn more about Joergette as she shares her top tips as a solopreneur in our interview style blog below!
Tell us how you first discovered your passion. How did you know that this is what you really want to do?
My soul-searching journey began in 2006. I can still picture myself sitting in the auditorium at my first ever personal development seminar with Christopher Howard, and I remember thinking to myself – “That’s what I want to do! I wanna be the person on stage inspiring people to transform their life.” I left that weekend so excited and inspired; and in 2006, I graduated as a Master NLP Results Coach. There I was – bright eyed and bushy tailed, excited and inspired to start using my new-found skills as a Coach.
Unfortunately, my excitement subsided as “life” happened. I was engaged and saving up for our wedding, and my entrepreneurial coaching journey took a back seat.
During my trainings, I came across the book “The Passion Test” by Janet & Chris Attwood, and it absolutely moved me. It changed my outlook, what I wanted for my career, and ultimately what I wanted to create in my life. It made such an impact in my life that in 2011, I became a Certified Passion Test Facilitator when Janet Attwood and her team came to Australia for the first time. Soon after, I started running Passion Test Workshops, and that was the start of my journey as The Passion Coach.
I always knew I was here for a bigger purpose. I always felt the calling to be of service and make a massive impact in the world. But being newly married with young children and struggling financially, I felt torn. On one hand, I wanted to uphold the image of “good wife” and “good mother” in everyone else’s eyes. On the other, I wanted to follow my dreams. I wanted to spread my wings and break free from the cage I felt trapped in.
I loved being a mum, but I was dying inside. I felt so lost. I didn’t know who I was anymore. My whole world became about everybody else, and I completely forgot about me.
I got introduced to spirituality after reading Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch, and my world opened up into developing my intuition, Energy Healing, and learning how to connect with Angels.
In 2013, my world fell apart. My marriage broke down and I eventually got divorced. As challenging as it was, the only thing I could do was keep moving forward. I chose to stay strong for me and my children. I continued to follow my passions and I noticed that when I started doing the things I loved, my life started to become so much brighter and clearer. I started attracting like-minded friends and like-hearted souls into my life. I got back in touch with my feminine and I even started salsa classes, where I eventually met my Soul Mate, my Twin Flame.
Along the way, my spirituality evolved, and my world expanded into learning Crystal Healing, Crystal Dreaming, Essential Oils, and becoming a Women’s Circle Facilitator and Certified Heal Your Life Teacher.
All these experiences have moulded me into the woman I am today, and I now integrate all of what I have learnt to help other women live their passions and
love their life.

What is a passion coach?
When I started out as a Passion Coach, I was helping women discover their top 5 passions and live in alignment with what it is that they love and that’s truly important to them.
However, as I evolved spiritually, so too did my business and what I wanted to offer. I realigned my business to have more of a mind-body-spirit approach where I could integrate practical tools as a Passion Coach and spiritual practices as an Intuitive Healer.
So, in 2017, I rebranded and relaunched my business as Igniting Souls International. I am The Soul Igniter, and I empower aspiring Mumpreneurs and Career Mums to ignite their passions, awaken their feminine leadership and follow their intuition, so that they live their passions and purpose, make an impact, and still being an amazing partner and mother.
What is your why? Why do you do what you do?
My biggest WHY is my family. I have an amazing soulful partnership with my Soul Mate, my Twin Flame, and together with our twin girls along with my older kids, we have a created such beautiful tribe together.
Everything I do, I do for them and they are the reason why I do what I do. I aspire to be a positive role model for my kids – to be a prime example of someone who chooses in favour of their passions and follows their dreams, no matter the obstacles.
I also choose to be an example to other Mums - for them to know that they don’t have to choose between their family and their purpose (which is what happened to me). My mission is to empower other Mums to know that they can live their passions, do the things they love and live their purpose whilst still being an amazing partner and mother.

What are the challenges that you find as a solopreneur and your tips to overcoming them?
1)“Work-Life Balance” – Is there even such a thing?
One of the challenges I face as a solopreneur is finding this imaginary “balance” between working full time, building my business, having family time, spending quality time with children and my partner, and connecting with my family and friends, and of course spending some quality time with me. Work-life balance is such a buzz term, but is that even really possible?
What I’ve come to realise is that it’s not about having balance, because I don’t feel that all the different aspects of life will ever be balanced. Anytime we have goals we’re setting out to achieve, that area of our life becomes more focused on than others. This doesn’t mean that the other areas of our life aren’t important. It just means that our focus is on the goal(s).
Instead of striving for balance, I choose to strive for harmony – for all areas of my life to be in harmony with each other. Just like a beautiful piece of music is made by different notes being played or sung at the same time – the notes and singers are not in balance; but they are in harmony.
2) Know when to take Inspired Action and when to practise the Art of Allowing
One of the biggest lessons I’ve had to learn is bringing my masculine and feminine energies into balance. The masculine energy is the energy of taking action. The feminine energy is the energy of flow, allowing and receiving.
We all have both in us, but if we’re not aware, we can develop an imbalance between our inner masculine and inner feminine and one starts to dominate.
Coming from the corporate world, I became more in my masculine and was in action mode all the time. I realised that I was so action-oriented, that I wanted to control everything all the time which meant I stopped making space to allow for things to happen or for me to attract my desires. I had to get back in touch with my feminine in order to balance out my masculine that had become so dominant.
When our masculine and feminine energies are in balance, that’s when we can take inspired action and be in flow. This then creates a vacuum and the space that allows for us to manifest our desires.
What are your 3 top tips for those who are still on the journey to discovering their passion?
1) Get Absolute Clarity on What’s Truly Important to You
Start by making a list of as many things you can think of which are deeply important to you in your life. Think of all the different areas of your life including:
a. Relationships
b. Health
c. Career
d. Finances
e. Spiritual life
f. The kind of Environment you choose to live or spend time in
g. The kind of People you like to work with, etc.
When you make your list, complete the sentence: “When my life is ideal, I am ________.” Write your statements in the positive, in the present tense, and concisely (5-7 words).
Your list should have at least 10 items.
Include both things that you may presently have in your life that are very important to you, as well as things which you have not yet created in your life.
This is what I start my clients with during my Ignite Your Passions & Purpose workshops and 1-1 coaching. I then take them through a process that gives them their top 5 passions. I highly recommend purchasing the book “The Passion Test” by Janet & Chris Attwood, because this gives you the instructions to do this. Or even better, come along to one of my workshops or book a 1-1 session with me.
2) Develop Your Intuition & Follow Your Heart
Start getting out of your head and start tuning into your heart. You can never make the wrong decision when you follow your heart. Learn to develop your intuition so that you can receive guidance from God, the Universe, whatever it is you call the Higher Power.
Have the courage to follow your bliss, follow the feeling and take inspired action even when it doesn’t make any logical sense (because most of the time, it won’t!) Take the leap of faith and don’t be afraid to make mistakes or fail, because there’s no such thing as failure – only feedback.
3) Life is a Journey – Enjoy the Ride
It sounds cliché but it’s so true. We are all on our own journey and life is an absolute gift! We are all here to experience everything – the ups, the downs, the good, the bad and everything in between.
We live in a world of duality where everything has an opposite. Light cannot exist without darkness. How do we know what happiness is if we don’t know what sadness is? How can we experience love if we don’t experience hate?
Everything has an opposite. We can aspire to live a life of bliss. But how can we know what bliss feels like and how can we truly appreciate a life of bliss, if we don’t know and experience what misery feels like?
We are here to experience everything. Cherish every moment and be grateful for everyone and everything, because the people that come into our lives and the all the experiences we have (whether we perceive them as positive or negative) all serve a purpose in our lives.

Where can we find you and what are your latest offerings?
I am based in Sydney and offer my workshops and women’s circles in different locations throughout Sydney. I offer coaching online and over the phone. I also offer a mobile service for my Crystal Dreaming, Intuitive Healing and AromaTouch Technique sessions in Sydney.
If you’re ready to embody your true authentic self & start living a more passionate and purposeful life, then I invite you to open your heart and mind and see what magic starts to unfold when you start saying YES to your true heart’s desires.
If this resonates with you, and if you want to know more about how you too can start to live a life of passion and purpose, please connect with me via the following:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoergetteMedel/
Website: http://joergettemedel.com
Thank you so much Joergette for all your love and support for our ARISE family, we're so grateful to be serving along side you and appreciate you. Looking forward to more amazing time with you and our team!
Love and Blessings,

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