4 Ways To Start Living The Life Of Your Dreams NOW!
With only 77 days till Christmas and knowing that this year is coming to an end... (not to mention it has gone so fast!) I can't help but look back at this year and pinch myself! My goodness, Sooo much has changed and I am doing more of the things that i LOVE and ENJOY now more than ever!

(Having so much fun behind the scenes at our last Vision Casting Workshop!)
I am now able to serve more people through my coaching business and working with my dream clients everyday bringing me so much joy when i see them achieve their goals,
I'm able to work from anywhere with the freedom and flexibility to spend time with my family,
I'm able to exercise my gifts and talents through my business as well as have creative freedom all while i build a profitable business allowing me to bless more people in the process.
I get to meet new friends, collaborate with amazing businesses, and build a community of like minded girl bosses and faith filled entrepreneurs.
And the best of all, i was able to save up for a family holiday to JAPAN where we went to just recently! Incredible!

(My little family and i at Disney Sea Tokyo Japan)
I share all of this with you, not to boast but to let you know that it is POSSIBLE! It's possible to live out your dream life now!
All of this happened because i made the choice to start creating my DREAM life!
& you know what? YOU CAN TOO!
I'm not completely there yet, and this will always be a work in progress, but i know that i'm on my way and i'm enjoying the journey.
Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?
Here's 4 ways you can start living the
life of your dreams NOW!
Get clear on your dream life style.
Visualise and imagine what your dream life would look and feel like for you. Everyone's version of their dream life is different and so you need to be clear on yours. Think about your values and what's most important to you.
Write it down and describe your dream life style with as much details as you can.Where would you be living? What time would you wake up in the morning? Where will you be working? Who would you be working with? How often would you exercise? How much would you be earning? Will you have plenty of quality time with your family? The more specific and the more detailed the better.
NOTE: The Vision Casting Workshop is perfect for this as we go through a guided meditation to visualise our personal life vision! Come and join us at the next workshop!
Every aspect of your life exists because on some level you made the choice to allow that particular thing to happen. Know hat you have the power to choose!
You can make some changes and at the end of the day it is your choice. It's time to be intentional and make
some positive changes in your life.
Of course it's not going to be easy,
but it's going to be worth it!
Now that you have a clear description of your dream life, it's now easy to see what things you have in your life at this moment that's not serving that dream life. Time to get rid of those nasties! Do more of what you LOVE and less of what you don't!
Find ways to rid your life of things that pull you down. Get rid of tasks and obligations that bring you down and doesn't add value to you!
And of course start adding things in your life that make you HAPPY! Start doing more things that bring you JOY and are in line with your dream life style.
Once you're clear on your dream life style, make sure to create a vision board to remind yourself of what you're aiming for! Put it somewhere where you will see it often and stay focused on the goal!
Is owning your own home part of your Vision? then you should have a beautiful picture of a home in your vision board.
Every time you feel like shopping up a storm and spending all your money, you can look at the photo and CHOOSE to focus on saving for your dream home!
NOTE: We make beautiful vision boards together at the Vision Casting Workshop!
So there you go! YOU can start living out your dream life now!
Start with this questions: What can you let go of this week that's not in line with your dream life style? What are the things that give you JOY that you can add to your activities this week?
"The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams." Oprah Winfrey
"Are you ready to create the life that you've always dreamed of? Are you ready to be fearless in pursuing a life that's driven with purpose and that lights you up?
It's time to Invest in YOU"
Email me at fidelizcruz@gmail.com
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