Faith It Till You Make It.
Once upon a time, I thrived on the phrase “fake it till you make it” every-time I had a daunting situation or a challenge I would fake it to get through with it. To the person outside, it looked like I had it all under control, but inside I could be falling apart.
The truth is being fake is deceitful and anyone who lives to deceive anyone or even themselves have not fully understood the power of God, therefore such a person can not prosper. The bible reminds us that the just will live by faith.
Faith on the other hand is being real, it is a complete realisation that God is more than able, It is a complete surrender and dependence on God acknowledging that nothing is by your strength. Faith is a hundred percent trust in God. It is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things unseen.
It is believing that you are achieving not by your might but by God. The bible tells us that, by strength shall no man prevail. Without God, we can not truly succeed
In business, we face different challenges, even the most successful companies have challenges and by this we know that challenges are in-evitable in life. The good news is, all our challenges regardless of how small or big dissolve when they are brought before our Lord.
Challenges will come in every area of our lives, they are present in our relationships, in our spiritual lives and even in our business, but in Christ we are more than conquerors amidst all, through His love. (Roman 8:37)
When we go through the fiery furnace of challenges, it is important that we take our problems before the Lord, that we cast our burdens unto him because He truly cares for us. (1st Peter 5:7)
Every challenge we come face to face with, should never defeat us because of whom we carry inside of us. Our faith is in the one who loved us and gave himself for us so that we can have life abundantly. Our lives through Christ is in the overflow, our businesses through Christ will prosper if we are able to fully believe in him, surrender to him while also putting in the actual work that is required.

We know from the scriptures that faith without works is dead so we must put in the work required and ask God to help us by blessing the work of our hands. Paul planted and Apollos watered but God alone gave the increase.When we put in actual effort in our walk with God and in the work He has given us, we should always remember to be strengthened and renewed daily by declaring Gods word of peace over every area of our lives.
Challenges can be teachable experiences that help us grow, we can learn from them so we must never get weighed down when they show up in our business. Worry and anxiety over situations outside our control does nothing good for us and that’s why we are reminded that we must worry not, be anxious not but in prayers make our requests known to our Lord (Phil 4: 6)
God has never lost a battle and so it's is encouraging to know that we will always be on the winning side.
So when we encounter any sort of challenge, be reminded to faith it not fake it. Be reminded that with God all things are possible, Be encouraged, believing that God has it all under control.
I'm faith-ing it and I'm making it because God said so.
Mark 11:24 told me so. It says Believe and receive.
Let that be your declaration indeed.
I'm faith-ing it and I'm making it because God said so.
Be blessed always. Barbara David Co-Founder of Kingdom Women Entrepreneur
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