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Yeay! Here's the second part of the blog!

So for the last 4 weeks, i've been on Facebook Live every tuesday unpacking 3 of my fave business tips, & this is the blog version for those who love to read and like to have it all written down too! The Facebook Live Series has now been completed, but you can of course watch the replay if you'd like!

In the last blog we had 6 Tips and so here the next 6 tips for you!



Facebook Live Series


Get clear on your niche market who you want to focus on serving.

By doing this you can focus on how you can better serve them and be more specific in creating and crafting programs, products and unique services that you know they need and will gain so much value from.

It's important that we get clear on our ideal client and ask questions like: where do they live? how old are they? do they have a family or are they single? where do they like to hangout? what do they do in their free time? what are their interests? .... the list goes on. The more specific the better. The more you know about your ideal client and have a clear understanding of who you're serving, this helps your business cater to their specific needs.

It will also help you position yourself in platforms where they will be! This is great when you want to connect with your ideal clients as you'll know where they'd be and where to reach them.

Knowing your ideal client strengthens your brand and helps you become the "go-to" in that niche.

Remember "You can't be all things to all people!" It's impossible. So focus on helping that specific niche.

NOTE: Your niche usually come from your interests and experience. You will find that you'll work best in the areas that you are passionate about and have a lot of experience in.


It's easy to quit and give up when there's difficulty.

Specially when we're building our business and just starting out, there comes a time when you want to quit and give up. BUT we need to choose the path of perseverance instead of giving in to that voice that tells us to quit and what i found was that people who don't quit always have a clear VISION.

It's in the moment when we feel the lowest and feel like quitting that we need to really go back to our VISION.

Our Vision reminds us of the end picture and the end goal. The bigger purpose and the why we are doing what we're doing. And so when we look at that and remind ourselves of it, it keeps us going and gives us the strength to overcome whatever we might be facing.

Want to know more about creating your life vision?

Join us for our next VISION CASTING WORKSHOP next year on January 13th 2018!


Exodus 35:35 "He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen weavers - all of them skilled workers and designers.

All our abilities, strengths, gifts, talents and ideas come from God.

Being grateful and thankful for what God has given us and acknowledging God in everything that we do is key to growing your business! Let God lead your business and direct your steps.

Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans."

Ask God for new insights, Godly wisdom & ask God to expand your tent.


Take into consideration what you'll be doing and you'll be working on your biz most of the time, so make sure it's something that you love and you're good at!

Build your business because it lights you up, you take pride in it and it brings you joy. Your business will give your life more meaning and will be more fulfilling when you know that it was made for a bigger purpose.

Choose to always start with your purpose.

Do this and profit will follow.

When you have a bigger purpose apart from making money, you'll be more inspired to create and build your business. This will drive your profitability, performance and competitive advantage.


Think honestly about who you are and what you want to accomplish. What mindset do you need to have to get there?

Tony Robbins Says:

"Business success is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics."

I find this very interesting that it's got a lot to do with the way that we think - and most importantly the way we think about ourselves. Are limiting beliefs and self doubt holding you back from getting to where you want to be?

Just as we would train our body we need to do the same for our mind.

Proverbs 23:7 says "for as he thinks in his heart, so is he"

So what are you feeding your mind? and what are you telling yourself? One of the ways i help my clients over come this is to get them to focus on the word of God. God's truth about the kind of person He has created us to be.

I have created an ebook filled with 30 daily affirmations for the Christ Centred Entrepreneur called Kingdom Affirmations. Find out more about it and get your free Copy HERE.

Allow yourself to grow. At the end of the day, the biggest hindrance really is ourselves so continue to remind yourself of God's promises and His word about you.

Get to know more about you and your way of thinking.


Excuses. I've heard it all.

"I don't have enough funds, I don't have time, I have to wait till my daughter graduates, I have some bills to pay, I have a mortgage...." the list goes on... we will never really run out of excuses.

And there will never be a perfect time and you will never feel completely ready so why not do it now??

Imagine all the people you could be helping now - bringing solutions to their problem.

Some would say they are being patient and waiting for the right timing, but i love what Steven Furtick was sharing in one of his preaching - for us to be careful not to use "patience" as an excuse for procrastinating.

Are you being patient or are you really procrastinating?

Take courage, be bold and share your vision with others, as you'll find that most of the time, they are happy to help.

Take the step. At least you're moving forward and doing better than those who are still waiting.


Now that completes our 12 Business Tips!

Thank you for joining me on our Facebook Live Series and I pray you were blessed with those tips that i have come across whilst building up my business.


"Are you ready to create the life that you've always dreamed of? Are you ready to be fearless in pursuing a life that's driven with purpose and that lights you up?

It's time to Invest in YOU"

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