The Next Generation Game Changer with Coach Jae Schaefer
This month's blog series is dedicated to highlighting my fellow coaches and their unique way of connecting with their clients + Collaborate and come up with a special unique offer specially tailored to kick start your Life Coaching Journey combining both of our unique offers! I pray that you'll be blessed and this will be a beautiful start to your coaching journey.
Second Week of our "Your Unique life Coach" Blog Series and i'm so proud to introduce to you one of the many beautiful coaches i have the pleasure to be collaborating with this year! Jae Schaefer!
Jae has beautifully combined both her passion for dance and coaching the next generation game changers!
Jae is a speaker, writer and life coach who equips young people with the knowledge and skills they need to be light workers and leaders in their chosen spheres. She takes spiritually starved party animals from pain to peace and rebel to revolutionary by helping them channel their creative energy into a force for good in the world. By guiding her clients on a journey of self discovery, she helps them turn their rock bottom moments into catalysts for radical growth and transformation.
Read on and find out more about Jae in our interview + our special offer just for you!
[if !supportLists]1) [endif]Tell us how you got in to Life Coaching and what is it about Life Coaching that you love the most?
I first realised I wanted to be a life coach when I was halfway through a journalism and political science degree. I remember feeling an overwhelming combination of excitement, clarity and euphoria when I stumbled upon a career that combined soul-fuelled speaking, heartfelt writing and transforming peoples lives in a tangible way.
Despite giving up a stable career path, not knowing the first thing about starting a business and having just spent tens of thousands of dollars on a degree, I knew this was my calling and I am so grateful every single day that I chose to follow it.
What I love about coaching is that it gives people the encouragement they may not have had growing up as well as helping them heal emotional wounds, uncover negative thought patterns and shift limiting beliefs. We invest so much time, energy and money maintaining and improving our physical health, I think it’s just as important to focus on our mental
and emotional health too.
2) Most of your clients are young people around the ages of 18 to 29. Is working with young people something that you have always been passionate about?
Absolutely. I see so much potential in the generation coming through now. It’s the nature of the Universe to expand, progress and evolve so it makes sense that each generation is wiser and more conscious than the last. However every generation has their own unique challenges to face and I love helping millennials navigate both the power and pitfalls of social media, societal pressure and the culture of external validation we have created.

3) How does your one on one coaching session look like and what topics usually come up in your sessions?
A one on one coaching session is a truly profound, enlightening and really fun experience. My clients have goals like, ‘to love myself deeply and completely’ ‘to live in the present moment and be grateful for the little things’ and ‘to be unapologetically me and let my inner light shine’ so we do work around self love and self worth, body image, letting go of fear and self doubt and mapping out exciting visions for the future.
Everything that is meant to come up in the session always does and that means lots of laughter, sometimes tears and always new insights, powerful revelations and deep healing.
A lot of unconscious behavioural patterns, limiting beliefs and old ways of thinking are brought up to the surface to be transformed and we both walk away inspired, uplifted and with new clarity and peace. The power of the coaching process to completely transform someones life from the inside out never ceases to amaze me.
4) Congratulations on launching your Dance Studio! (Which I’m so glad is located in Manly) Tell us about your classes and how this works hand in hand with your coaching.
Thank you so much! I wanted to create a space where women could come together to connect with their bodies, meet like-minded girls and learn a new skill in a positive and supportive environment. The routines are a mix of jazz and hip hop and are all girly, super sassy and suitable for all levels and abilities (most of the girls have never danced before).
The studio is a bit of a passion project for me, but I think it ties in really well with my goal of helping women step into their power, access their creative energy and improve their self confidence.
5) Lastly, what are your unique coaching expertise and who are your dream clients?
As a coach (and as a person) I am incredibly action-orientated and a massive fan of practical tools and strategies for living the life you want. I’m also a born communicator and I love helping clients find the words to articulate their fears and doubts as well as unearthing their deepest desires so we can make them a reality.
My clients are passionate, driven, wildly ambitious go-getters. They want to change the world by using the gifts they have been given in the service of others. They know there is so much more to this life than what we perceive with our physical senses, and they are keen to explore their spiritual selves and connect to their inner guidance system.
They are ready to let go of external pressures and expectations, and the part of them that craves validation and approval from others, in order to fully step into the life they have been called to live. They blow me away with their honesty, bravery and commitment to embodying the best version of themselves, and it is an honour to change the world alongside them.
You can find more of Jae's work and join the next generation of game changers saving the world at

Check out Jae's Dance Class Here!
I believe so much in the power of Life Coaching and as I'm so blessed to have the pleasure to be able to collaborate with Jae and come up with something unique and special for you!
If you have been curious and have always wanted to try Life Coaching, this would be a beautiful start to your journey!
with Fideliz Cruz
From Coach Jae:
A 90 min coaching session to help you get crystal clear on what you want to create in 2017. In this session we will:
1) [endif]Unearth your deepest desires and set epic intentions for the new year. 2) Create simple and inspired action steps that make you excited to work on your goals 3) Uncover any limiting beliefs holding you back from living the life of your dreams
From Coach Fideliz:
A 90 Minute Life Style Makeover. In this Session:
- Discover your how to express your uniqueness and authenticity through personal styling - dressing according to your body shape.
- We will go through a Life Style inventory and Create the Ultimate Life Style you have always dreamed of through guided meditation and Vision Casting.
+ Get a copy of my E-book "Kingdom Affirmations" to keep you inspired and motivated!
Receive this unique Life Coaching Package for
$120 (Valued at $390)
*This Unique Offer is only available this one time only and initial session should be booked prior to January 31 2017.
I have enjoyed learning more about my fellow coaches and their unique way of connecting with their clients + creating special coaching packages to help you start your coaching journey!
Simply email me at and book your session and let's get this Coaching Journey started!